The HY29LV160 is a 16 Mbit, 3 volt-only, CMOS
Flash memory organized as 2,097,152 (2M) bytes
or 1,048,576 (1M) words that is available in 48-
pin TSOP and 48-ball FBGA packages. Word-
wide data (x16) appears on DQ[15:0] and byte-
wide (x8) data appears on DQ[7:0].
the memory array, while Temporary Sector Un-
protect allows in-system erasure and code
changes in previously protected sectors. Erase
Suspend enables the user to put erase on hold for
any period of time to read data from, or program
data to, any sector that is not selected for era-
sure. True background erase can thus be
achieved. The device is fully erased when shipped
from the factory.
The HY29LV160 can be programmed and erased
in-system with a single 3 volt VCC supply. Inter-
nally generated and regulated voltages are pro-
vided for program and erase operations, so that
the device does not require a higher voltage VPP
power supply to perform those functions. The de-
vice can also be programmed in standard EPROM
programmers. Access times as low as 80 ns over
the full operating voltage range of 2.7 - 3.6 volts,
and 70 ns with a limited voltage range of 3.0 - 3.6
volts, are offered for timing compatibility with the
zero wait state requirements of high speed mi-
croprocessors. To eliminate bus contention, the
HY29LV160 has separate chip enable (CE#), write
enable (WE#) and output enable (OE#) controls.
Addresses and data needed for the programming
and erase operations are internally latched during
write cycles, and the host system can detect
completion of a program or erase operation by
observing the RY/BY# pin, or by reading the DQ[7]
(Data# Polling) or DQ[6] (Toggle) status bits. Hard-
ware data protection measures include a low VCC
detector that automatically inhibits write operations
during power transitions.
After a program or erase cycle has been com-
pleted, or after assertion of the RESET# pin (which
terminates any operation in progress), the device
is ready to read data or to accept another com-
mand. Reading data out of the device is similar to
reading from other Flash or EPROM devices.
The device is compatible with the JEDEC single-
power-supply Flash memory command set stan-
dard. Commands are written to the command reg-
ister using standard microprocessor write timings.
They are then routed to an internal state-machine
that controls the erase and programming circuits.
Device programming is performed a byte/word at
a time by executing the four-cycle Program Com-
mand write sequence. This initiates an internal al-
gorithm that automatically times the program pulse
widths and verifies proper cell margin. Faster pro-
gramming times can be achieved by placing the
HY29LV160 in the Unlock Bypass mode, which
requires only two write cycles to program data in-
stead of four.
Two power-saving features are embodied in the
HY29LV160. When addresses have been stable
for a specified amount of time, the device enters
Automatic Sleep mode. The host can also place
the device into Standby mode. Power consump-
tion is greatly reduced in both of these modes.
Common Flash Memory Interface (CFI)
To make Flash memories interchangeable and to
encourage adoption of new Flash technologies,
major Flash memory suppliers developed a flex-
ible method of identifying Flash memory sizes and
configurations in which all necessary Flash device
parameters are stored directly on the device.
Parameters stored include memory size, byte/word
configuration, sector configuration, necessary volt-
ages and timing information. This allows one set
of software drivers to identify and use a variety of
different current and future Flash products. The
standard which details the software interface nec-
essary to access the device to identify it and to
determine its characteristics is the Common Flash
Memory Interface (CFI) Specification. The
HY29LV160 is fully compliant with this specification.
The HY29LV160’s sector erase architecture allows
any number of array sectors to be erased and re-
programmed without affecting the data contents
of other sectors. Device erasure is initiated by
executing the Erase Command sequence. This
initiates an internal algorithm that automatically
preprograms the array (if it is not already pro-
grammed) before executing the erase operation.
As during programming cycles, the device auto-
matically times the erase pulse widths and veri-
fies proper cell margin. Hardware Sector Protec-
tion optionally disables both program and erase
operations in any combination of the sectors of
Rev. 1.2/May 01